
Bhainsrorgarh Fort, RAJASTHAN

Bhainsrorgarh Fort, RAJASTHAN


Situated within a sprawling fort  and poised over a  fantastic cliff over the Chambal river,  Bhainsrorgarh offers Five suites within a gently restored fort.  Private and family run,  this is just the place for a sublime breather away from the bustle of the tourist circuits yet offering a wonderful array of activities for those seeking  to explore this region.  Visits to the 9th Century Baroli temples, picnic lunch on a nearby island or in the thick forests of  Hinglajgarh Fort, river safaris in country-made hand rowed boats, sunset drives into rural settlements. Excursions include day visits to Bundi - a premier art centre, Mukundarah Hills National Park and Chittorgarh.

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